How can the customer ensure proper maintenance service of refrigerating machine?

Categories: News

Based on this, customer is issued with checklist with support of engineering department allowing a customer to assess quickly the quality of provided services:

Firstly, make sure that external side of equipment is clean.

To provide service, the equipment has to be clean. Clogging can hinder troubleshooting. For example, an employee may not be able to detect disturbances quickly in a sealing of receiving circuit due to equipment clogging.

Peripheral marking (pipelines, cable).

Equipment shall have arrow marks, markings on pipelines, tags on cables (indicating manufacturer of a cable). Marking order proves that a company renders services of high quality.

No ambient noise.

Properly operating equipment should have no jolts or clanking.

Keeping a register with description of each procedure applied to equipment (routine maintenance, repairs, etc.).

Registers with description of activities and current problems is mandatory. Every equipment should have it, although it is not required by the policies and procedures. List of documentation required for maintenance is formed by a customer and is indicated in ToR.

Documentation shall be in accessible places, for example, a refrigerating machine can be suitable for this. Equipment history will help to avoid unnecessary work. Next service providing company will have fewer difficulties, since they will know the nature of troubles. While troubleshooting, a technician nay cause more damage, since testing involves switching on certain elements that have been deactivated from the scheme for some reasons. The checks may result in impairing equipment.

Please contact us in any convenient way for you:

USM Astana LLP
53 Kabanbay batyr avenue
Yessil district, Astana
Nazarbayev University campus
Tel.: +7 (7172) 70-61-29
+7 (702) 911 14 46
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  • АОО «Назарбаев Университет»
  • Корпоративный фонд «University Medical Center»