Complex building maintenance
Categories: Services, Photo Keywords: All-inclusive service, Building maintenance, Building operation, Construction works, Delivery, Finishing work, Gardener, Green space, Groundskeeper, Heat supply, Moving man, Power supply, Water line, Water supply

USM Astana offers a range of works on maintenance and repair of the property. In particular, we help to prevent premature wear and tear of the equipment and maintain specified performance indicators.
Current building structures are systems equipped with
· Water supply and sewage
· Gas main and buildings heating system
· Lighting and ventilation
· Main communication technologies
· Safety devices
Most of these systems have their own unique features in terms of technologies and ways of services provision. Also, maintenance of any systems requires highly skilled staff and top-class equipment. Therefore, owners face challenges in hiring qualified personnel in order to ensure proper operation of the systems and equipment.
Undoubtedly, ensuring facilities proper operation means an immediate repair of breakdown and damages, although the possibility of equipment failures checked regularly is greatly reduced. Additionally, maintenance service provided to customers helps to estimate costs more efficiently. One-time repair with often unpredictable costs mostly eliminates the consequences of certain problems not solving problem causes which may result in recurrence of breakdown. It is impossible to prevent all failures; however, skilled staff members maintaining equipment are also able to provide inexpensive, competent and rapid repair. In this regard, funding of production operations and actions aimed at ensuring facilities proper maintenance of commercial properties and housing does serve a purpose.
The main objectives of USM Astana are provision of integrated maintenance services of buildings and surrounding area, infrastructure maintenance services of buildings of the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev University” organizations and any other large companies in Astana.
USM Astana offers integrated maintenance services of buildings and surrounding area provided by a team of highly skilled staff.
Facilities integrated maintenance services include:
- • Daily integrated maintenance services, including;
-Utility systems functioning control
-Ensuring proper operation of building elements and set parameters of operation modes of building utility systems
-Equipment setting services
- • Preventive and routine maintenance
-Scheduled and unscheduled inspections
-Activities to ensure proper operation of building elements and set parameters of operation modes of building utility systems
- • Routine repairs include the following services
-Resolve malfunctions
-Reduction of material deterioration of facilities and public utilities
-Ensuring compliance with technical and operational standards
- • Professional cleaning of premises
- • Post-construction cleaning
- • Cleaning
- • Renovation and interior finishing
- • Indoor and outdoor cleaning
- • Handling operations
- • Cleaning and disinfecting ventilation system
- • Laundry services
- • Other maintenance services of buildings and area
Among others, integrated maintenance services of facilities also cover following regulations related activities:
- • Technical documentation record keeping
- • Facilities maintenance laws enforcement
As part of integrated maintenance services of buildings, we ensure smooth operation of systems and equipment:
- • Power supply and automated control system (ACS)
- • Heat supply system
- • Ventilation and air conditioning system
- • Refrigerating equipment
- • Water supply and sewage
- • Boiler and other equipment
- • Low current security systems
- • Support and maintenance of industrial cold-storage plant, laundry and catering facilities equipment
Prices for integrated maintenance services of buildings and surrounding area can be found in the price list; however, the final cost of services will be determined individually upon visiting Customer’s site by our expert and estimation of all services and works scope.
Please contact us in any convenient way for you:
53 Kabanbay batyr avenue
Yessil district, Astana
Nazarbayev University campus
Tel.: +7 (7172) 70-61-29
+7 (702) 911 14 46